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16th Annual Beaver Cup
Sponsorship Opportunities
Title Sponsor: $5000
Naming Rights to the Event
Many Social Shoutouts
Signs around the Pond
Feature Rink Naming
Banquet Sponsor: $2000
Many Social Media Shoutouts
Signage at the Player's Banquet
Puck Sponsor: $2000
Logo on Player Gift Pucks
Social Media Shoutouts
Pint Glass Sponsor: $1500
Logo on Player Gift Pint Glasses
Social Media Shoutouts
Beer Cup Sponsor: $750
Logo on Plastic Beer Cups
Social Media Shoutouts
Rink Sponsors: $750
Signs at your Named Rink
Social Media Shoutouts
General Sponsorships:
Gold Level Sponsor: $500 or In-Kind Donation
Social Media Shoutouts
Silver Level Sponsor: $300 or In-Kind Donation
Social Media Shoutouts

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